Saturday, May 2, 2015

Just to give you a little idea of the logistics involved.  A good friend of my sister Kath, Pat Rissmeyer, lives in Boston and has agreed to let us use her home as a staging area for our trip out of Boston on May 8th.  We will have two bikes and lots of stuff waiting for us once we arrive.

Mike is going to arrive early and start the assembly.  My advice for anyone who tries this, do it with a bike mechanic, they do everything is one fourth the time it would take you or I.  And, bonus, in the end, everything works.

At the end of the ride, on June 1st...Mike will ship his bike from Savannah and take a flight back to Idaho.  I will be catching a train from Savannah, with my bike, to Rocky Mount, NC.  That's the closest stop to Virginia Beach which is my second destination, really.  I'm planning on riding with Kath in the VB area from June 5th thru the 15th.  To pull that one off, I'll have to travel two days by bike and arrive in VB with no clothes other than my biking gear.  So today, I'm send clothes to VB.

I recently purchased a Kindle Fire 7 HD and a Beeboard to type on so that I can take pictures, get email, reach the internet and do my blogging in a really small lightweight package.  We'll see how that works out.

Finally, I got all the diabetes stuff to pack and make sure I have supplies.  Maybe it doesn't sound like much but being away for a month and a half one the road can be a bit intimidating for all the contingencies.

Well, things are is a pic of me with an other diabetic, a red rider at the recent Tour De Cure.  West Coast now, sunshine, blue skies, nothing but blue skies, not a cloud

Oh yeah, did I say I had to buy rain gear?

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