Sunday, May 17, 2015

Approach to the Capital

We're having big days and I am struggling with keeping the entries short but including all the stuff

1.)  The day got off to a good start and we rode 65 miles starting north of Baltimore and heading south west just skirting the city.
2.)  Problems started with the hills again which seems to be a pattern, but this time, the gears on my bike proved inadequate and I had to walk some of the hills.  Of course this delay meant we were late for lunch
3.)  Now the temperature and humidity came, and being a diabetic the combination caused a big drop in my blood sugars.
4.) My resulting confusion and weakness was concerning to Mike as this was maybe the first time he experinced some of issues riding with a diabetic.
5.)  Mike was great, stayed attentive, as I drank and ate everything in my bag.  We made the lunch stop and my blood sugars took a spike higher.
6.)   We met a two time cancer survivor who waived us down from the road.  Ray, Mike, and I swapped stories of his interest in cycling and how he used it to fight his setbacks.  He inspired us. His 11 year old daughter was gettng a new pony and was preparing a new saddle for a show.
7.)  We rallied in no small part to a bike trail called the Rock Creek Trail was like something out of Star Wars.  It was a 25 mile Green  Tunnel which rode fast with turns like riding a speeder as we weaved in and out.
7a.) Along the way I run into a couple with twin girls.  They ask for any advice...I say treat them as individual sisters, and they will do the twin thing all by themselves.  You need not treat them the same, nor should you expected them to be the same.
8.)  The trails ends, dumping us out right at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC.  The rain begins to fall, and Mike says he didn't ride this far today, just to go to the hotel!  We carry on to the Washington Mall.
9.)  The first rain of the trip turns into a Washingon washout!
10.)  Two wet tired dogs.  Happy with the days events, we decided to stop and take a full day, touring the Capital
11.)  Winner, Winner, Chicken

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