Monday, May 18, 2015

Washington DC on a bike

Well it's early Monday morning and I'm going to make two brief posts in an attempt to getl caught up.  This blog will be the write up and a second mostly pics.

The day started and finished with a train to the city and back from our southern position.

Actually having been to DC servral times, but never on a bike, I found the experiencel to be quite different as the monuments and sights came quickly in our 20 miles of riding.

I was most insipred by a temporary "pacifist" display which I find increasing represent my views of politics and war.

The Capital is full of monuments to our war heros rightly reminding us of the sacrice they've made during our nation's hisory.  At the  sametime, and without minimizing our memory, I find almost  no monuments to our peace heros, to memorialize those who found a way to solve problems without war.  The closest I found was the Museum of Tolorance for the innocent lives taken in war and the MLK memorial dedicated to a leader for justice through non-violent protest...

We happened upon the 150 year reenactment of the review of the victorious Army of the Potomac at the end of the Civil War.  We shouted long live the Union, and Remember Lincolln as the troops passed.  I marched with the ladies who contributed their lives and sons to the cause.

Most of the pictures are self explainitory..I hope you enjoy can see more by following the link to Mike's Facebook album.  He is quite extrodinary with a camera!

Looking forward we are on to Fredericksburg, Richmond, Jamestown, Newport News, and Virginia Beach in that order.

We are on schedule and on budget, but have also learned to only take what is presented to you...planning is everything and plans are nothing - Eisenhower.

Oh yea, I got my bike fixed

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